When one decides to write about the flute sonatas of Johann Sebastian Bach, you can write chapters upon chapters - from the controversy surrounding playing Bach sonatas on the modern silver flute (instead of the authentic baroque flute), to which parts are authentic (immediatly I'm thinking of the A major sonata where authentic parts are missing).
I am not attempting to write an essay on the Bach Flute Sonatas (not yet anyway..), just merely a blog to make my readers aware of a brilliant recording that's out there of these masterful compositions.
An internationally acclaimed flutist that I've been following for many years now, Emmanuel Pahud, has done a recording of the sonatas: the e minor and major, the b minor and A major, E flat and C major, G major and minor. It is a 2 CD album - http://www.pahudbach.com/
I have always admired Pahud's tone quality and technique, and on this recordings he has such an incredible tone (very very slight vibratos on the long notes and a wonderful fat sound on the low notes), fluent phrasings and amazing breath control (needed for the long passages). It just seems that the music flows out of his golden flute as his finger technique is just fantastic! On this recording, he is joined by Trevor Pinnock on the harpsichord.
Please do yourself a favour, when you visit http://www.pahudbach.com/ have a look at the video where Pahud and Pinnock is talking to Stephen Johns about the recording of the sonatas (3rd page of the website). For more information regarding Emmanuel Pahud, you can visit http://www.emiclassics.com/artistbiography.php
Some other flutists that have recorded the flute sonatas, are:
Jean-Pierre Rampal http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/1224266/a/Bach3A+Flute+Sonatas.htm
Aurèle Nicolet http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bach-j-s-flute-sonatas-bwv/id4364814
William Bennett http://www.amazon.com/Bach-Sonatas-Michael-J-Evans/dp/B0000CEONH
Peter-Lukas Graf http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&keywords=Graf%2C%20Peter-Lukas&rh=n%3A85%2Ck%3AGraf%5Cc%20Peter-Lukas&page=1
James Galway http://www.amazon.com/Bach-Flute-Sonatas-Johann-Sebastian/dp/B000003FP6
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